Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dinner with friends

Having lived in the Bush of Alaska for years, going out for dinner and drinks with friends was just not something we did. Now that I am back in Texas, occasionally I do meet some old high school buddies of mine and Al's for a dinner and a drink. Last night was one of those occasions.
I enjoy seeing people that we grew up with. Sometimes even reconnecting with old friends I haven't seen in years. Last night was one of those nights. Two classmates of Al and mine joined the group for the first time. I just hate it when someone I haven't seen in 35 + years, says, oh where is Al? What's he up to? My face immediately goes from happy to pain and I have to explain that Al passed away. Then the questions start. I don't mind them because I know that they are only out of concern, however, it does still bring a flood of memories and emotions to me. Last night was no different. I try hard to hide the pain but sometimes I am not successful.
I did pretty good until the end of the evening. Suddenly the emotions just came flooding through. The lovely gentlemen sitting next to me was trying so hard to comfort me, but it simply wasn't working. He and I don't have the same opinion of God, he is more of the pound your fist on the table kind of guy and I'm more of the my God is a loving, kind, soft-spoken God kind of girl. His words were not comforting me and making me cry. I was crying because of the flood of emotions and because I knew his heart was in the right place and he really wanted to comfort me. Then he made it about himself and began to tell me how good he was as a preacher and teacher of God's word. Holy Lord, the tears started streaming then. Luckily no one else saw or heard so I was able to gain my composure and move on.
I really do like seeing old friends.
Let me back up a little and tell you about the Plano Quilt Guild Quilt Show! It was nice to surround myself with the lovely quilts and to read about the quilters inspiration. I took lots of pictures and wandered the vendor booths for more inspiration. I was able to find a Christmas present for my granddaughter. It was a kit to make a doll house and paper dolls out of fabric! WooHoo!!! I will post pictures of my progress along the way.

On my way out the door I stopped by the Project Linus table and picked up a flyer, I need a group to join and this would be perfect. I started talking to the ladies volunteering and discovered that three of them had lived in Alaska and actually knew where Delta Junction was. It's a sign! I will join this group of ladies that can relate to Alaska!